Saturday 17 September 2016

Banner Designing

Banners are the colorful display of image , texts which depicts the information on a particular occasion.   Here I designed this banner to celebrate the Birth Day of Teddy Bear.

Now I describe the Steps to design this banner.

1) First  I draw a required rectangular shape. Dimension may be maintained , if required
2) Then with the text tool I write the "Happy Birth Day" and formatted by above font and
    with  the use of envelop tool.

3) Then from google search engine I copy an image of Teddy Bear and re-size it . Then I
    draw a oval shape and color it and place the image of Teddy  in to the oval shape by
    selecting the Power Clip option and place inside container from Effect Menu.

4) Then I draw some circular shapes selecting Ellipse tool and rotate option  as they
    looks like flower &  balloons. I also draw star shape with Star Shape Tool

5) Finally I color them as above


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